“Non-Circular Boreholes” Patent application No. PCT/US2005/017082, Filed 17th May 2005. Co-inventors, Addis, M.A.and Khodaverdian, M. F.
“Slotted Completion for Sand Management and Hole Stability.”Addis, M.A., V.A. Dunayevsky, D.F. Fehler, M.F. Khodaverdian, and C.A. Lee., 2003. (EPO Patent Application No. 03257143.2). US patent number 7451818.
“Method and System for Producing Hydrocarbon Fluid through a Well with a Sensor Assembly Outside the Well Casing” Addis, M.A.,Birch, W., Den Boer, J.J., Rice, S.A. (Patent Application PCT/EP2009/062577
Yassir, N. and de Bree, P. May 2009. Stress Based Pore Pressure Prediction. US patent number 7529625.
External Technical Publications
Doucette, N., Ziller, M. and Addis, T. (2018). Characterising and Defining Stimulation Zones in Tight Formations for Appraisal Wells Onshore U.A.E. with the Aid of Integrated Standard and Novel Stress Determination Methods. SPE 193032. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 12–15 November 2018.
M.A. Addis (2017). Rock Mechanical Property Testing for Petroleum Geomechanical Engineering Applications. In Xia-Ting Feng (ed.) Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 5: Surface and Underground Projects, Chapter 15, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-138-02763-3.
Qobi, L., Al-Wardy, W. & M.A. Addis (2017) Geomechanical Screening for Field Development Projects. Paper accepted in SAGA 2017 conferencein Cape Town, S. Africa, 10-13thSeptember 2017.
M.A. Addis (2017). The Geology of Geomechanics: Petroleum Geomechanical Engineering in Field Development Planning. In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. and Welch, M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP458.7
Michael A. Addis, Sanjeev Bordoloi, Javier A. Franquet, Patrick J. Hooyman, Robert S. Hurt, Julie E. Kowan, Abbas Khaksar, Neal B. Nagel, and See H. Ong (2016). Role of Geomechanical Engineering in Unconventional Resources Developments.Chapter 9, p.43. Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources: Exploration and Development. (eds) Usman Ahmed and D. Nathan Meehan. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN9781498759403.
Michael A. Addis, Hans-Christian Freitag, and Alfredo Mendez, (2016). Pilot Projects in Unconventional Resources Development. Chapter 7, p.12. Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources: Exploration and Development. (eds) Usman Ahmed and D. Nathan Meehan. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN9781498759403.
Michael A. Addis, Hans-Christian Freitag, Alfredo Mendez, and Roberto Ceccarelli (2015). The Role of Pilot Projects in the Development of Unconventional Resources. SPE 17783. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conferenceheld in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9–12 November 2015
Addis, M.A.& Yassir, N. 2010. Geomechanical Engineering of Tight Gas Sand Developments. SPE 136919. SPE/DGS Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibitionheld in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 04–07 April 2010.
Gunningham, M.C.,Addis, M.A. & Hother, J.A. 2008. Sand Management on the Lunskoye High-Gas-Rate Platform: Quantitative Risk Assessment. Journal Of Petroleum Technology. September 2008. pp101-104
Addis, M.A., Gunningham, M.C. , Brassart, Ph. , Webers, J. Subhi, H., Hother, J.A. 2008. Sand Quantification: The Impact on Sandface Completion Selection and Design, Facilities Design and Risk Evaluation. SPE 116713. 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, USA, 21–24 September 2008
Bauer, A., Lehr, C., Korndorffer, F., van der Linden, A., Dudley, J., Addis, T., Love, K., and Myers, M. 2008. Stress and pore-pressure dependence of sound velocities in shales: Poroelastic effects in time-lapse seismic. SEG Extended Abstract, SEG annual meeting 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Gunningham, M.C.,Addis, M.A. and Hother, J.A. 2008. Applying Sand Management Process on the Lunskoye High Gas-Rate Platform using Quantitative Risk Assessment. SPE 112099. Proc. 2008 SPE Intelligent Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25–27 February 2008.
Ross, L., King, K., Bodewitz, G., van Hasselt, H., Stone, G., Twigt, W., Swinkels, W., James, A., Addis, M.A., Parsons, C., Bell., S., Trofimov, A., Jackson, P., Cholovsky, V., Lamers, E., and Crouch, S. 2006. Seismically Based Integrated Reservoir Modelling, Lunskoye Field, Offshore Sakhalin, Russian Federation. SPE 102650. Presented at the 2006 Russian Oil and Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, 3-6th October 2006.
Yassir, N., Lehr, B. C., van der Linden, A. J., Korndorffer, F. and Dudley, J.W. 2006. The effect of stress path on the sonic response of the Pierre shale. ARMA/USRMS 06-1067. Golden Rocks 2006, The 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), 17-21 June, Golden, Colorado. Paper presented in Golden Rocks and in the FORCE Workshop in Stavanger (September).
Lehr., B. C., Yassir, N., Korndorffer, F., van der Linden, A. J., Dudley, J. W. and Kenter, K. 2006. The dynamic response of shale for reservoir surveillance. EP Journal of Technology Special Issue 7021 (Reservoir Surveillance).
Yassir, N and Savitski, S. 2006. Horizontal stresses in Cretaceous sediments in the UK Central Graben: relationship with Jurassic overpressure. In-Situ Rock Stress: Measurement, Interpretation and Application, Ming Lu et al (eds.), p. 235-240. Presented at the Stress Symposium, Trondheim 19-21 June.
Addis, M.A., Khodaverdian, M., Lee, C.A. and Fehler, D.F. 2005. Slotted Completion for Sand Management: A Novel Screenless Completion Technique. SPE/IADC 97415. Proc.SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, U.A.E., 12-14th September 2005.
Addis, M.A., Khodaverdian, M., Lee, C.A. and Fehler, D.F. 2005. Slotted Boreholes for Improved Well Stability and Sand Management. ARMA/USRMS 05-789. Proc. Alaska Rocks 2005 Conference, the 40th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS): Rock Mechanics for Energy, Mineral and Infrastructure Development in the Northern Regions, held in Anchorage Alaska, 25-29th June 2005.
Yassir, N., 2003. The role of shear stress in mobilising deep-seated mud volcanoes: geological and geomechanical evidence from Trinidad and Taiwan. In van Rensbergen, P., Hillis, R.R., Maltman, A. J. and Morley, C.K. (eds.) 2003. Subsurface Sediment Mobilisation. Geological Society Special Publications 216, 461-474.
Yassir, N., and Addis, M.A. 2002. Relationships between pore pressure and stress in different tectonic settings, in A.R. Huffman and G.L. Bowers, eds., Pressure Regimes in sedimentary basins and their prediction: AAPG Memoir 76, pp.79-88.
Hennig, A., Yassir, N., Addis, M.A., and Warrington, A. 2002. Pore pressure estimation in an active thrust region and its impact on exploration and drilling. in A.R. Huffman and G.L. Bowers, eds., Pressure Regimes in sedimentary basins and their prediction: AAPG Memoir 76, pp.89-105.
Addis, M.A., Cauley, M.B. and Kuyken, C. 2001. Brent in-fill drilling programme: Lost circulation associated with drilling depleted reservoirs. SPE/IADC 67741, SPE/IADC Drilling Conf., Amsterdam, 27 Feb – 1st March 2000.
Addis, M.A.and Hennig, A. 1998. Pore pressure evaluation: differentiating between overpressure and wellbore instability. AADE workshop on “Pore Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins”, Del Lago, September 1998.
Hennig, A., Yassir, N. and Addis, M.A.1998. Pore pressure determination in a compressive tectonic region, Hides field PNG. Proc. AADE workshop on “Pore Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins”, Del Lago, September 1998.
Addis, M.A., Choi, X. and Gunning, J.1998. The Influence of the Reservoir Stress-Depletion Response on the Lifetime Considerations of Well Completion Design. SPE/ISRM 47289, Proc. Eurock ’98 Conf., Trondheim, Norway, July 1998.
Addis, M.A., Hanssen, T.H., Willoughby, D.R., Yassir, N. and Enever, J. 1998. A Comparison of Leak-off Test and Extended Leak-off test data for Stress Estimation. SPE/ISRM 47235, Proc. Eurock ’98 Conf., Trondheim, Norway, July 1998.
Wu, B., Addis, M.A.and Last, N.C. 1998. Stress Estimation in Faulted Regions: The Effect of Residual Friction. SPE/ISRM 47…, Proc. Eurock ’98 Conf., Trondheim, Norway, July 1998.
Marken, C., Bjørkevoll, K.s., Rommetveit, R. and Addis, M.A. 1998. Well Control planning with ECD simulation in advanced wells. Proc. Offshore West. Australia ’98 Conf., March 31-April 2, 1998.
Yassir, N. A., 1998. Prediction of overpressuring in different stress regimes. Proceedings of Overpressures in Petroleum Exploration Workshop, Pau, April 1998.
Yassir, N. A. 1997. Geomechanical controls on overpressuring: implications for pore pressure prediction in compressional basins. Geofluids II, Contributions to the Second International Conference on Fluid Evolution, Migration and Interaction in Sedimentary Basins and Orogenic Belts, Belfast, N. Ireland, March 1997, J. P. Hendry et al (eds.): 235-238.
Otto, C. and Yassir, N. A. 1997. Hydrodynamic assessment of fault seal integrity: ramifications for exploration and production. Geofluids II, Contributions to the Second International Conference on Fluid Evolution, Migration and Interaction in Sedimentary Basins and Orogenic Belts, Belfast, N. Ireland, March 1997, J. P. Hendry et al (eds.): 129-132.
Wang, D.F., Yassir, N., Enever, J. and Davies, P. 1997. Laboratory investigation of controls of stress history on ASR response. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rock Stress, October 1997, Kumamoto, Japan.
Wang, D.F., Yassir, N., Enever, J. and Davies, P. (1997) Laboratory investigation of core-based stress measurement on synthetic sandstone. US Rock Mechanics Symposium, NYRocks, New York, June 1997, Int. J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci, 34 (3-4), paper 328: 9pp.
Yassir, N. A. and Otto, C. 1997. Hydrodynamics and fault seal assessment in the Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea. APPEA Journal, 37 (I): 380-389.
Yassir, N. A. and Zerwer, A. 1997.Stress regimes in the Gulf Coast, Offshore Louisiana: Data from wellbore breakout analysis. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 81 (92): 293-307.
Addis, M.A.1997. The Stress - Depletion Response of Reservoirs. SPE 38720, Proc. 72nd SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, 5-8 October 1997.
Addis, M.A.1997. Reservoir depletion and its effect on wellbore stability evaluation. NYRocks ‘97 Conference, 36th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symp., June 1997.
Yassir, N. A., Bell, J. S. and Bratli, R. 1996. Geomechanics and Stress Regimes in the Norwegian North Sea. Rock Mechanics Tools and Techniques, Aubertin et al. (eds.), 1027-1034.
Yassir, N. A. and Bell, J. S. 1996. Abnormally high fluid pressures and associated porosities and stress regimes in sedimentary basins. SPE Journal of Formation Evaluation, 11 (1): 5-10. Also in Eurock '94, Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering: 879-886.
Addis, M.A. and Jeffrey, R.G. 1996. Slimhole Drilling: Wellbore Stability considerations based on field and laboratory data. APPEA Journal1996, pp.544-556.
Enever, J.R., Yassir, N.A., Willoughby, D.R. and Addis, M.A.1996. Recent experiences with extended leak-off tests for in-situ stress measurement in Australia. APPEA Journal1996, pp.528-535.
Addis, M.A.,Last, N.C. and Yassir, N.A. 1996. Estimation of horizontal stresses at depth in faulted regions, and their relationship to pore pressure variations. SPE Formation Evaluation, Vol. 11, No. 1, March, pp.11-18.
Yassir, N. A. (1995). Pore- and fracture-pressure determinations: effective stress approach: Discussion. SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, October 1995: 913.
Addis, M.A.1995. Wellbore stability: better solutions emerge. E&P Journal, June 1995, pp.12-15.
Enever, J.R., Yassir, N.A., Addis, M.A.,Willoughby, D.R., Tan, C.P. and Schmidt, P. 1995. A note on the status of deep stress measurement/estimation research in CSIRO. Int. Workshop on Rock Stress Measurement at Great Depth (Rock Mechanics Congress), Tokyo, Japan, September 30, 1995, 40-45.
Yassir, N. A. and Bell, J. S. (1994) Relationships between pore pressure, stresses and present day geodynamics in the Scotian Shelf, offshore eastern Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 78 (12): 1863-1880.
Zhang, Y-Z, Dusseault, M. B. and Yassir, N. A. (1994) Effects of rock anisotropy and heterogeneity on stress distributions at selected sites in North America. Engineering Geology, 37: 181-197.
Yassir, N. A. and Robertson, D. G. (1994) The use of thermal strain relaxation of core to determine stress directions. Proceedings of the 1st NARM Symposium, Rock Mechanics, Models and Measurements, Challenges from Industry, Nelson, P. and Laubach, S. (eds.): 401-408.
Zerwer, A. and Yassir, N. A. (1994) Borehole breakout interpretation in the Gulf Coast, offshore Louisiana. Proceedings of the 1st NARM Symposium, Rock Mechanics, Models and Measurements, Challenges from Industry, Nelson, P. and Laubach, S. (eds.): 225-232.
Yassir, N. A. and Rogers, A. L. (1994) Overpressures, fluid flow and stress regimes in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Canada: Reply. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 42.
Addis, M.A.,Last, N.C. and Yassir, N.A. 1994. The estimation of horizontal stresses at depth in faulted regions, and their relationship to pore pressure variations. Proc. Eurock ‘94, Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, Delft, Nederlands, 29-31 August, pp.887-895.
Yassir N. A. and Rogers A. L. (1993) Overpressures, fluid flow and stress regimes in sedimentary rocks of the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Canada. International Journal of Rock Mechanics, Mining Sciences and Geomechanical Abstracts 30 (7): 1209-1213. Also Proceedings of the 34th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Haimson, B. (ed.): 379-382.
Rogers, A. L. and Yassir, N. A. (1993) Hydrodynamics and overpressuring in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland, Canada: possible implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 41 (3), p. 275-289.
Addis, M.A.,Last, N.R., Boulter, D, Ramisa-Roca, L. and Plumb, R.A. 1993. The quest for borehole stability in the Cusiana field, Colombia. Oilfield Review, Vol. 5, No. 2/3, April/July 1993, pp.33-43.
Rawlings, C.G., Barton, N.R., Bandis, S.C., Addis, M.A. and Gutierrez, M.S. 1993. Laboratory and numerical discontinuum modelling of wellbore stability during drilling in low-permeability reservoirs. SPE Paper 25869, SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Low Permeability Reservoirs Symp., Denver, April 1993.
Addis, M.A.and Wu, B. 1993. The role of the intermediate stress in wellbore stability: Evidence from hollow cylinder tests. U.S. Rock Mechanics Symp: Rock Mechanics in the 1990s, Madison, Wisconsin, June 1993, B. Haimson (ed.), Vol. 1, pp.57-60.
Ringstad, C., Addis, M.A.,Brevik, I., and Santarelli, F.J. 1993. Scale effects in hollow cylinder tests. Scale Effects in Rock Masses, ed. Pinto da Cunha, Balkema.
Yassir, N. A. and Dusseault, M. B. (1992) Stress trajectory determinations in southwestern Ontario from borehole logs. In: Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II, Geological Society Special Publication No. 65, A. Hurst, C. Griffiths and P. Worthington (eds.): 169-178.
Jones, M. E., Leddra, M. J., Goldsmith, A. S. and Yassir, N. A. (1991) Mechanisms of compaction and flow in porous sedimentary rocks. In: Neotectonics and Resources, Cosgrove, J. and Jones, M. (eds.): 16-42.
Yassir, N. A. and Dusseault, M. B. (1991) Stress trajectories in southwestern Ontario using wellbore breakout orientations. In: Rock Mechanics as a Muti-disciplinary Science, Proceedings of 32nd U.S. Symposium, Roegiers, J-C (ed.): 83-92.
Yassir, N. A. (1990) The undrained shear behaviour of fine grained sediments. In: Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics, Geological Society Special Publication No. 54, Knipe, R. J. and Rutter, E. H. (eds.): 399-404.
Addis, M.A.,Barton, N.R., Bandis, S.C. and Henri, J.P. 1990. Laboratory studies on the stability of vertical and deviated wellbores. SPE Paper 20406, 65th Annual SPE Conference, New Orleans, September 1990.
McLean, M.R. and Addis, M.A. 1990. Wellbore stability: the effect of strength criteria on mud weight recommendations. SPE Paper 20405, 65th Annual SPE Conference, New Orleans, September 1990.
McLean, M.R. and Addis, M.A.1990. Wellbore stability: A review of current methods of analysis and their field application. IADC/SPE Paper 19941; IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Houston, February 1990.
Yassir, N. A. (1989) Undrained shear characteristics of clay at high total stresses. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rock Mechanics at Great Depth, Pau, France, August 1989, V. Maury and D. Fourmaintraux (eds.), 2: 907-913.
Addis, M.A.1989. The behaviour and modelling of weak rocks. Proc. Int. Rock Mechanics Symp.: Rock at Great Depth, Pau, September 1989, V. Maury and D. Fourmaintraux (eds.), Vol. 2, pp.899-905.
Addis, M.A.and Jones, M.E. 1989. Mechanical behaviour and strain rate dependence of high porosity chalk. Proc. Int. Chalk Symp., Brighton, September 1989; pp.239-244.
Yassir, N. A. (1988) Mud volcanoes: evidence of neotectonic activity. Memoirs of the Geological Society of China 9: 513-523.
Leddra, M. J., Yassir, N. A., Jones, C. and Jones, M. E. (1987) Anomalous compressional structures formed during diagenesis of a dolostone at Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 98: 145-155.
Jones, M.E., Leddra, M.J. and Addis, M.A. 1987. Reservoir compaction and surface subsidence due to hydrocarbon extraction. Offshore Technology Report, OTH 87 276. Department of Energy, HMSO, 1987.
Addis, M.A.1987. Material metastability in weakly cemented sedimentary rocks. Memoirs of the Geological Society of China, Vol. 9, pp.495-512.
Jones, M.E. and Addis, M.A. 1986. The application of stress path and critical state analysis to sediment, deformation. Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 8, pp.575-580.
Jones, M.E. and Addis, M.A.1985. On changes in porosity and volume during burial of argillaceous sediments. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 2, pp.247-253.
Jones, M.E. and Addis, M.A.1985. Deformation mechanisms in the Chalk. Conference of the Chalk Research Group, Stavanger, Norway, May 1985.
Addis, M.A.and Jones, M.E. 1985. Volume changes during diagenesis. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 2, pp.241-246.